Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 4

Tonight the North Pole is sending a gift. Its a microphone that makes you sound like an elf! Bella will think its funny and the twins LOVE microphones. (Bella has a karaoke machine and they play with it)

Day 3

Bernard put himself as Bella's wallpaper on the computer LOL. She got a kick out of that.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bernard Day 2

Bella had a sleepover at her mawmaw and pawpaw's house last night so apparently Bernard got cozy and waiting for her.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Let the Christmas season..... BEGIN!

Thanksgiving was sooooo good. All that prep I did the night before payed off. It was so layed back, no one stressed out no rushing just popped that bird in the oven and relaxed with my kids.

Little parade action...

relaxing morning, little basting, little laughing alot of thanking.

Then the moment of truth......

My turkey! It turned out so great. Everyone ate and had good conversation. No drama or nonsense just a great family day with a great family. Momma and Annie, (THANK FOR THE ROLLS ANNIE) Shayne and the kids. It was great.

Then we journeyed over the river and threw the woods, (or over the Nicholasville Rd and through the shopping center) to Mawmaw and pawpaws house. Had some dessert and sat around and talked and laughed with Indigo and Niki and Mawmaw and Pawpaw while the kids had the run of the house.

Got home (after making fun of the people camping out of Best Buy and Toys R Us, Running out of gas *pretty sure that was Karma for pointing and laughing at the shoppers camped out* and got the kids to bed.

Little movie time for mommy and daddy, finished cleaning up the meals and went to bed.

Bella found a suprise we when got up....

And it looks like Bernard knows how to work the camera because his picture was on here when I loaded the pictures from Thanksgiving. He's a tricky elf.... can't wait to see the trouble he gets in this year.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The things I am thankful for!

Today as we prepare  for tomorrows holiday its a little quieter than it will be tomorrow and I wanted to look back over my grown up life and the things I am thankful for.

Aug 3rd 2007. That is the day I became Mrs Shayne Belden. It hasn't been all roses and rainbows but there isn't a second of my life that would make me take back this day. I am more in love with this amazing man today than I was then.

October 30th 2001. Isabella Peyton Belden. She is the light of our lives and I am so thankful we were blessed with her.

She has grown up so much.


June 18th 2010. Never in my 34 years have I been as afraid as the moment I saw them for the first time. Willa Grace born first weighing 4lbs5oz and her twin brother Wyatt Grayson weighing 4lbs9oz. We spent 11 days in the NICU praying and waiting for them to learn to breathe, eat and survive on the outside. They were so small and sweet.

Boy are they growing fast. They make me laugh all the time.

My mom and my sister. We are all a little nuts (some of us more than others LOL) but no matter where we are or what is happening one phone call and we are there for each other. It a wonderful feeling.

SO as we prepare for this Thanksgiving look back at your life and remember all the things you are thankful for.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What is the biggest sign Christmas is around the corner????

People can hang lights, stores can pipe the music, tree's can go up but for me its not Christmas time yet until she comes out..... CRAZY TARGET LADY! Best Christmas Commercials EVER

It just doesn't get funnier than this!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I was playing around the other day on Pinterest (instead of you know my kids, doing laundry, cleaning up toys etc LOL) and ran across a pin titled "YOU HAVE BEEN RAOK'ED. I opened it and it was all these ways to commit Random Acts of Kindness. So that's what our family started yesterday. That is our goal as a family to commit RAOK's as often as we can. These opportunities present themselves so often in our lives like that little angel sitting on your shoulder and most times we just don't listen.

Yesterday I was in line at Kroger checking out and the man behind me was buying like 8 boxes of Cheerios and 8 boxes of juice and I thought maybe he had several children or ran a day care of something. So I got done and the coupon that printed out was for $1 off General Mills products. So I just turned and gave it to him. He looked at me like he had a couple of heads but said thank you and I moved on.

Cut to after school and after playing at the park we ran out to Barns and Noble to get 2 books for Bella, Shayne had found a gift card in his wallet he had forgotten about and Bella is in LOVE with this series of books called "I Survived...." and we are in LOVE with her wanting to read so off to the bookstore we go. As we are walking up to pay the young man working behind the counter asks the young lady with him if she had a dollar, he wanted a paper and he was going to have to put .98 cents on his debit card. So as he was ringing up our books I asked for a paper. He finished I payed and then handed him the paper. He got this stunned look on his face and grinned from ear to ear and said WELL AREN'T YOU THE MOST! it made me giggle. I just said you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  and we left. He was still talking to the girl about it when we left. It made me feel so good to see that look of surprise and excitement on his face.

I think this is so important to do year round but more so as we head into this holiday season where people seem to have forgotten about Thanksgiving and the reason its so important to sit back with the people we love and reflect on how blessed we all really are and then moving into Christmas where it seems like its more about this and that instead of that sweet baby born all those years ago who gave everything He had to save us from ourselves. I think its so important for our kids to see us doing these simple things that make others happy just because. Its not a special occasion or a tip or whatever its just because this little thing, handing someone a coupon, paying for a paper, buying someone a cup of coffee, giving a scarf and a pair of gloves to someone who is cold, handing someone standing at a bus stop in the rain a poncho things that are easy to do don't take to much time and don't need to cost a lot of money but to that person, that moment well that moment could change everything. We all walk through our lives telling people we are Christians but a lot of times don't show people we are Christians and that is my challenge. Not only to those few of you who read this blog but to all my friends and family and mostly to me. Live the words, be that light in the world be that change you want to see. so go on get out there and commit some RAOK!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Not my best day

Ok so maybe I was a little flustered yesterday. I hate when we have a great day then the next one is rainy and yucky. The kids have such a good time playing outside and get so crazy locked up in the house. So Monday and Tuesday were such great days, grilled out Tuesday night AWESOME. Then comes Wed. grrrr. Rain, Wind, Clouds. YUCK.

So cut to 4 o'clock. Run pick up Bella from school (she has Squires Singers) run to the post office, then hit Kroger. I only needed a couple of things but its still a production with all 3 kids. Get to the checkout, decide I want a coke, grab one out of the machine and just keep walking. Bella was like Um mom??? OH hand it to the cashier. Then we get everything taken care of bagged up and are heading out the door. I am telling Bella I can't beleive I almost walked out without paying for my coke. Look down at Wyatt and right next time him in the cart is 5lbs of ground beef. Yep. Didn't pay for that. Thankfully I had no left the store yet so no crime had been commited, swung wide into the self check and took care of that.

So moral of the story well don't steal. LOL no matter how tired you are.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We earned out title yesterday

Ok Happy Thursday everyone. As you all know by now the name of this blog is Welcome to my Crazy Life. Well we earned that name yesterday. The weather was amazing yesterday so we were outside playing. Running around the yard. Playing with the ball's from the ball pit, filled the water table with the ball pit balls, just enjoying one of the last pretty play outside days of 2011.




I spin around and Willa Grace has  fallen  jumped off the Adirondack patio chair face first SPLAT. Concrete meet Willa Grace's face. Willa Grace meet concrete.

In the time it takes me to go from one side of the patio to the other her eye is black and there is a knot on her forehead. She stops screaming when I pick her up, simply lays her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes. Oh no little girl, no sleeping on a head injury. So I pull her away from me to look at her and run inside telling Wyatt to "follow mommy" yeah right, and hunt down my phone. Call the doctor.

Nurse: Is she bleeding?

Me: No

Nurse: Did she loose consciousness?

Me: No.

Nurse: Ok is she slurring her speech or stumbling as she walks

Me: Um she is 16 months old so yeah.

Nurse: (giggle) no more than normal though?

Me: No

(at this point I am starting to feel better)

Nurse: ok well doesn't sound like we need to see her. She could develop a black eye over the next couple of hours.

Me: um her eye was black before I even picked her up off the ground.


Nurse: um....

Pause.... (no body likes the pause people)

Nurse: Let me talk to Dr Hawse and call you back.

wait wait wait, call them back an hour later

Nurse: I am so sorry I thought someone had called you. Dr Hawse says you need to get her to UK hospital NOW. An instant black eye can be a sign of a skull fracture.

Ok staying calm YEAH RIGHT.... What happened next is sort of a blur I know my neighbor Shannon was there and so was my sister and I was driving and I hate the new layout of UK ER.

Get her back to a room, torture her through vitals, wait for daddy who is moving his car from the ER to the parking garage 2 blocks away then running back and getting my car and repeat.

1st doctor comes in checks her, makes her mad, tells us they try and avoid radiation at this age so they want to keep her there, give her a drink and snacks and watch her for a few hours.

1 hour later, enter doctor 2. He is the ER pediatric attending. He does the same things to her, again makes her mad, and again tells us they don't like to expose them to radiation at this age if they don't have to so they want to watch her for another hour and if she is still eating ok and walking around ok we can go home. So we spent an hour playing peekaboo, pawpaw and cousin Abby came to keep us company, we rode the little red car up and down the hall, ran around after a nurse who thought it was super funny. A little after 6, a little more than 2 hours after checking in, we got to leave. No fractures, hard head, no more monkeys jumping on the bed (or patio chair).

This morning I found on standing on a diaper box. Lord give me strength.