Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And the award for Mother of the Year goes to........


When you have preemies, every now and then the doctor wants to check their weight to make sure they are growing the way they should be. So that's how Shayne and I spent a good chunk of our Valentines Day, hanging out at the doctors with 2 wild toddlers. So after checking their weight and ears and lungs and all was great Dr says do you have any other questions.... Why yes yes I do.

Why do the backs of my kids ears look like the skin of an alligator?

I have been so worried it was something like eczema caused by a food allergy and that my poor babies would have to go through testing and elimination diets etc....

So Dr Hawse looks and both of them and giggles. Yep you read that right.... GIGGLES.

"that's eczema alright. caused by dried shampoo."

See's it all the time apparently. So I guess the moral of this story that your mom was being serious all those times she said to wash behind your ears... or in our case RINSE.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love moments like this.......... they keep us going!!
